Monday, December 20, 2010

-Hati Yang Kembali Terbuka-

Lama sangat rasanya tak masuk dunia blog ini......
Well, I'm a bit busy lately......................................
Kenapa tiba-tiba jer aku letak tajuk entry kali ini Hati yang Kembali Terbuka............
Terbuka untuk apa??
Terbuka untuk menerima segala perkara pahit yang pernah berlaku dalam hidup aku.......................
Tak kiralah soal keluarga, cinta or kawan-kawan................................
Aku rasa aku sudah bersedia memaafkan semua yang pernah melukai hati ini..............................
Siapa mereka biarlah menjadi rahsia..............................
Tapi yang pasti aku semakin tenang apabila hati aku sudah kembali terbuka untuk menamatkan segala dendam yang pernah wujud di dalam hati kecilku ini..................................
Sebabnya mudah...................
I'm big enough to understand what ever that happens to me before and I became more matured right now.........................
I know it won't bring me any happiness if I keep hating and mad at them....
I just hope I can lead a happy and peaceful life right now................................
I want to start a new life and keep myself away from all the hatred feelings that I've felt before.....
I want to be a new girl with a new personality.........................
Hopefully, I can do it...............

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tahun Baru dgn Azam Baru.

Tajuk post yg sangat2 bersemangat......................................
Tapi hati aku seolah-olah tak sekuat semangat tajuk ini........................
Sebab aku dah mula bosan dengan cara hidup aku sekarang...............................
Macam mana boleh rasa bosan??
Senang saja jawapannya, I'm doing the same thing everyday.......................................
Without any break................................
Mungkin perkara ini berlaku sebab aku tak ikhlas dalam melakukan pekerjaan itu................................
Aku tak menjadikan pekerjaan aku satu ibadah........................................
Tapi cuma cara untuk aku mendapatkan kesenangan duniawi..........................................
Kenapa aku tak boleh nak beribadah dalam pekerjaan aku??
Kenapa aku x boleh nak ikhlas dlm apa yg aku buat??
Mungkin kerana aku dah tanamkan dalam hati aku,I don't like it.................................
I'm choosing to study and work in this field because of others........................
Not because I myself wanted it.........................................
I thought I can change that fact after I started working.........................................
But, I guess I was wrong........................................
It's already 4 months...............
I got another 8 months to finish this......................................
Within this 8 months I will find a way to further my study..............................
In the correct field....................
The one that I love...............................................
Jadi,dalam masa 8 bulan ini aku akan cuba bekerja bersungguh2..........................
Akan ku cuba untuk beribadah melalui pekerjaan ini..........................
Akan ku cuba untuk berubah menjadi seseorang yang sangat tenang.......
Senang memaafkan, senang ditegur,senang tersenyum...............................
Akan aku cuba untuk mengubah diri yg sangat tidak sempurna ini menjadi lebih baik.........................
Aku sangat memerlukan kekuatan itu Ya Allah....................................................................

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


It has been so long I didn't update my blog....
Well as usual, I'm so busy with my life...............................
Kenapa aku letak tajuk Merindukanmu??
Jawapannya sangat senang....................................
Aku sangat rindu pada kawan-kawan aku...........................................
Rindu saat belajar kat sekolah dulu.........
Rindu nak bertekak, Rindu nak duduk lepak tanpa fikir apa-apa.................................
Rindu nak berbicara dgn diorang dari hati ke hati..................................
Rindu nak main game luahkan perasaan guna pusing botol mineral......................................
I really miss that time............................................
Then, I miss my college mates too..............................
My housemates n classmates.......................
Rindu time kita makan sama-sama....
Masak sama-sama........
Tgk movie sama-sama.........................................
Yg paling best bila kena marah dgn guard blok hostel sebab kitorg wat bising............................
Gelak mcm x ingat dunia masa tgk movie....................................
Rindu saat kita menyanyi sama-sama...............................................
Masa itu xkan dpt diganti....................................................
I really miss that time.................................
Really miss everyone that make me laugh n cry with them.........................................
Memang ada berlaku banyak pertelingkahan,pergaduhan......................................
Tapi itu semua mengeratkan lagi perhubungan kami....................................................
I really wish I can be at that time again....................................
But, I know I can't..................................................
I really miss those big times....................................
To all that are with me all this time,Thanks a lot.....................................
I love all of u a lot....................................................................

Once again,I'm saying that


Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Aku tujukan lagu ini khas buat semua teman yg aku sayangi........................................
Lagu ini meingatkan aku pada teman2 yg selama ini sentiasa ada di sisi aku setiap kali aku perlukan diorang......
Lirik yg sangat simple tapi terkesan di hati...........
Kadang2 dlm satu persahabatan akan terjadi pertelingkahan................
Itu memang x dpt nak dielakkan.......................
Tapi yg pasti pertelingkahan tu x akan dapat memutuskan ikatan yg dah terjalin.........................
Tak kira lah apa pun penyebabnya aku tau yg akan ada penyelesaian pada pertelingkahan itu.....................
Kerana persahabatan yg terjalin lebih penting dari segla-galanya...............................

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

MENCUBA UNTUK BERTAHAN......................

Hari ini selps 3 ari, aku mencuba lagi utk menahan sgla kepayahan aku lalui....................
Aku masih mencari jawapan untuk keluar dari perkara yg membelenggu diri ini..............................
Aku dapat cara nak tenangkan diri..............
Sesuatu yg aku tinggalkan semenjak aku sibuk dgn alam kerjaya ini........................
Sesuatu yg aku tau dpt membantu aku.............................
Aku tau yg aku amat merinduinya tapi yg pasti terlalu byk dugaan utk aku tempuhi sebelum aku menyentuhnya kembali...................................
Terima kasih pada semua yg memberi kata2 semangat, pada semua yg sentiasa membuat aku tersenyum.............................
Aku akan cuba untuk bertahan selama yg mungkin.................
Kerana aku tau aku bukan seorang yg mudah mengalah...........................
I will be the strong and tough girl like I used to be........................................
I won't give up no matter how hard the problem I need to face..........................
I will keep moving forward while taking the past as my inspiration to move......................
I need that strength............................
And I know I will get it......................................
It is juz a matter of time............................
I will fight for it no matter what................................................................
Come on Nazifah...............
U can do it.......................

Friday, November 5, 2010


I miss to write here.....................
I'm so busy with my work until I don't have anytime to post a new entry here....................
Aku x tau apa yg aku rasa sekarang ini.....................
Hidup aku seolah-olah x bermakna lagi sebab aku terlalu sibuk dgn kerja...................
Rasa mcm susah sgt nk ada masa untuk diri sendiri...................
Masa aku byk habis kt tempat kerja.......................
I don't have time for myself,my family and definitely my friends..............................
I have to admit that I miss my student life a lot....................................
I miss the time that I spend with my housemates or classmates together......................
No matter how hard my life at that time it doesn't bring any sadness to me..............................
But, now after I started my work I found out that I miss that life a lot..........................
I miss to hang out with my friends.......................
We laughed, we sang together,eat together.....................................
I totally miss all that rite now....................................
Now, i really miss that life but I don't know whether I can go back to that................................
I know I should feel grateful because at least I got a job comparing to other people............
But, then I feel something is missing in me.................
I don't know what is it.........................
But,I don't want this feeling to continue in me................
I'm scared it will ruin my life 1 day.............................
Ya Allah,bantulah hambaMU yg lemah ini.....................
Aku sgt memerlukan kekuatan dariMU........................
Tujnukkan aku jalan yg benar Ya Allah..........................
Aku amat memerlukannya saat ini...............................................................

Monday, October 11, 2010


Hari ni da 12/10/10...
Mksd'e de lg 4 hari je nk konvo n nk birthday.....................
Nervous n excited...............
Don't know how to describe my feelings right now.......
Can't believe I'm reaching 21 in this few days............................
Seems like my responsibility will be more n more towards that day.........................
I'm a bit afraid I can't handle it but I'll do my best.......................................
I definitely need support from my family n friends to face all of it...............................................

Friday, October 1, 2010


Aku menunggu detik itu tiba................
Tinggal 14 hari lagi aku akan menginjak ke usia 21 tahun........................
Usia yg dikatakan sbg usia seseorang remaja mencapai kunci kebebasan....................
Betul atau tidak, itu aku tak pasti................................
Kerana pada aku, waktu terbaik aku mendapat kunci kebebasan is bila aku buat keputusan nak mendirikan rumah tangga suatu ari nanti..................................
Alhamdulillah, tahun ini akan menjadi tahun terbaik buat aku...................
Ini kerana tanggal 16 OKTOBER 2010 aku bukan sahaja akan menyambut hari lahirku yg KE-21 malah aku juga akan menerima segulung diploma pada tarikh itu..............................
The best part is I'll be celebrating two important moments in my life in 1 same day....................................
Besides that, I will also get a chance to meet my ex class mates at that day......................
It is a bit sad coz I don't get a chance to meet my ex housemates during the convocation ceremony but at least I can meet them during the rehearsal........................
I cannot wait for that day to come................................
I wish everything will be juz fine for all of us that day.....................................

Saturday, September 11, 2010


1st time ever eid at my work place...................
Doesn't feel sad at all juz a bit awkward...................
Probably bcoz I never celebrate eid at any other place then my uncle's house at Klang or my mum's kampung at Malacca..........................
What an experience I have been through...................
But, next year definitely I don't want to celebrate my eid at my work place again....................................
Seriously busy with my work right now bcoz I will start my leave on 18/9/2010...........................
Hopefully, I can meet my family n friends during my leave.......................................
But, for now I need to go back to work......................

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Serius lama x m'online kan diri ini...............
X blogging langsung coz I've been very busy lately.....................
Finally, I got chance to write here....................
Why did I say 21 hari yg sibuk??
Bcoz in the past 21 days I'm so busy with my work....................
Working like a machine with a shift.............
Even rite now, I'm working in a night shift................
Not so busy rite now but not sure until tomorrow morning arrive.............................
Seriously tired but I'm trying my best to enjoy with this work...................................
Don't know what else to say...........................
Hope everything will run smoothly for me.............................

Friday, July 30, 2010

CINTA TIDAK BOLEH DIPAKSA....................

Ayat yg menyedarkan aku ari ni.........................
Dari 1 novel yg baru selsai aku khatam.........................
Well,it's true right??
Love cannot be forced...........................
It will come naturally.....................
Without any sign......................................
How,When,Where,Who we don't know abt it.............................
Only time will decide................................
It attracts me...........................
It makes me realize that is impossible to force love to come.................................

Monday, July 26, 2010

-Akhirnya Sempurna-

Baru semlm ak post psl mencari hala tuju................
Alhamdulillah, ari ni ak da dpt jwpn'e...........................
Finally, I got accepted.....................
Don't know what to say.........................
I get a good support from my family abt this........................
So,I guess this is it...........................
The right thing to do.......................
Even,I still have some doubt in my mind abt the other oppurtunity........................
But,yet the other is still unsure....................
I still don't know what am I supposed to do............................
Most of my friends says it is up 2 me to choose what is the best for me...........................
But,still I couldn't find the right answer..............................
May ALLAH will help me to figure it out..................................
I really need it.......................................

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Mencari Hala Tuju..............................

Da lama sgt x menulis dlm ni........................
Maklum lah line internet kt uma ni slow..........
Jd, agk ssh nk bukak blog ni...............................
Masuk tarikh ari ni da 19 hari aku abis belajar.....................
Maksud'a da 19 gak aku menganggur......................
In this past 2 weeks,I attended 2 interviews already....................
I've rejected the 1st 1 bcoz they want me to sign 2 years workung contract wif them but they r giving me only Rm1000....................
I don't think it worth it....................
The 2nd interview seems like a very unexpected 1......................
I went to the hospital juz to send my resume but suddenly they want to interview me at that time itself......................
It's kind of shock 2 me but I think I have done my best..........................
Wish there is a good news 4 me......................
Then next week there will be another interview 4 me.....................
This time at DEMC S.Alam.............................
I'm glad 2 say that I'm honored bcoz I got this chance........................
It's a beautiful hospital and looks like a luxury place 2 me..........................
Hope there will be a good news also........................
No matter where I have 2 work,I'm willing to accept it.......................
Bcoz, I know I cannot be so demanding.............................
But, I really hope that anywhere I go to work the people there will accept me as I am.................
Also,there can let me learn a lot from my them...................
I believe this can help me to become a new n better person................................
May Allah blessed my new journey after this.................................................

Saturday, July 10, 2010

-Kisah Yg Sudah Berakhir-......................

Tanggal 7/7/10 menjadi saksi pengakhiran rasmi sebuah kisah perjuangan....................
Perjunagan dlm m'cari ilmu yg m'bawa kpd permulaan satu ukhwah yg sgt kukuh.........................
3 tahun berlalu........................
Singkat sungguh rasanya tp dlm mse 3 thn ni la byk yg dpt aku pelajari......................
Bukan hanya ilmu teori yg b'kaitan pelajaran malah aku mengenal erti persahabatan sejati........................
Suka, duka, hahagia, kecewa semua aku lalui bersama teman2..........................
Terlalu byk yg aku pelajari dari mereka semua......................
W/pun ada yg berbeza umur tpi masing2 mempunyai kelebihan n kelemahan tersendiri.............................
Buat teman serumah A1-06: Elya,K.Wani,Nina,K.Sha,Dila,Noorul n Mira.......................
Terima kasih ats segalanya.....................
Maafkan sgla slh n silap aku t'hadap korg selama ni.................
X pernah terniat d hati ini nk melukakan korg................................
Buat teman sekepala dgn aku: Ieka, Ijah, Yanot,Ilya,Teha,Shima, K.Amie,K.Diyana n K.Milah......................
Maafkan aku jika aku pernah melukakan korg slma kte b'teman........................
Terima kasih krn sudi menerima aku sbg kwn.........................
Seriously, nothing can replace this unforgettable memory................................
I won't forget u girlz.......................
I will nvr forget all of u......................
Thanx 4 taking part in this story...............................
May our friendship lasts 4eva..........................................................

Friday, June 25, 2010


Tinggal 12 hari je lagi kisah kami akn berakhir..............
X sangka sdh 3 thun b'lalu.....................
Cepat sgt rasanya....................
Masa mula2 dulu asyik fikir bilalah nak habis???
Sekarang rasa mcm x percaya kisah ini akn berakhir.................
Segala peristiwa yg berlaku,x kira la sedih, gembira, marah, ketawa, menyampah & yg seangkatan dgn'a akn berakhir.................................
It will be an unforgettable moment that had happen in my life..................
Kat sini la tempat aku belajar berdikari..............
Belajar memahami yg manusia ini berbeza2 ragamnya....................
Belajar ttg friendship, kejujuran, selfishness, kasih syg, cinta, tangisan, gelak ketawa..................
Pendek kata,I learned a lot here..........................
I know 1 day I will miss these big times.....................
My friends, housemates, n everything here...................................
Buat semua yg t'libat dlm kisah ini THANX A LOT 4 everything........................
I'm sorry 4 all the wrong I have done.........................
Love n Faith..................................

Monday, June 21, 2010

-Biar Mati Cinta Ini-

Ini tajuk lagu sebnrnya...
From kump.Maximus......
Bila dgr n hayati btul2 lirik lagu ni mmg menusuk jiwa.....
Wah,x blh blah punya ayat.......
Npe tbe2 nk ckp psl lagu ni??
Coz ak nk kongsi kisah cinta yg x berbalas 4 thn lps......
Wah, lama 2................
Ssh sebenar'a nak lupakan si "DIA" tu................
Ak x fhm dgn hati aku sendiri....................
Patutnya da tau org x suka 2 dah la kan...
Tp aku ni lain......
Nak gak ingat kat dia yg da confirm2 lupa psl aku................
It feels bad to think like that but I guess this is the truth....................................
X tau apa yg ada pd dia yg aku x leh lupa................
Rasanya biasa jer......................
Tapi 2 la.............
Rasa hati x siapa yg tahu......................
Even aku sndri pun x fhm an hati aku...............................
Tarikh hari ni,22/06/10 genap 4 thn ak kenal dia................
Sepatutnya la kan................
Tapi aku tau dia x ingat pun.....................
So,I've decided to let this love die.........................
Bcoz I want to start a new a life........................
Want to find a new love.............................
But,only Allah knows when..........................
Hope everything will run smoothly as I hope.....................................................................
To "Him", Good bye...................................................

Sunday, June 20, 2010

What does it mean??
A friend that is really sincere,a friend with benefits,a friend when u r happy or a friend that can be with u all the time??
Looking into what happen to me now I've met all these type of friends......
Which makes me feel mad,disappointed,sad and of course grateful.................
Yeah,I admit that some of my friend were always supporting me which I really appreciate them....
But,some of them don't even know how to appreciate me or the friends there are having.......
I guess this what u call friendship.......
We will know if somebody is honest with us or just want to take advantage on us......
It is really sad because this type of people does exists in this world............................
But,I wish one day they will realize what they did is wrong and they can turn back and be the best friend ever............................................................
This is my 1st post here.....
Juz want 2 share abt myself....
I'm a girl...
A student but will completed my study this July.......
I'm writing this mostly to describe what I feel abt my life and the people around me.....
I'm sorry if this sound like boring 2 anyone who read this but I don't really know how 2 express myself in words......
But,I'll try my best to improve my writing here.......