Friday, November 5, 2010


I miss to write here.....................
I'm so busy with my work until I don't have anytime to post a new entry here....................
Aku x tau apa yg aku rasa sekarang ini.....................
Hidup aku seolah-olah x bermakna lagi sebab aku terlalu sibuk dgn kerja...................
Rasa mcm susah sgt nk ada masa untuk diri sendiri...................
Masa aku byk habis kt tempat kerja.......................
I don't have time for myself,my family and definitely my friends..............................
I have to admit that I miss my student life a lot....................................
I miss the time that I spend with my housemates or classmates together......................
No matter how hard my life at that time it doesn't bring any sadness to me..............................
But, now after I started my work I found out that I miss that life a lot..........................
I miss to hang out with my friends.......................
We laughed, we sang together,eat together.....................................
I totally miss all that rite now....................................
Now, i really miss that life but I don't know whether I can go back to that................................
I know I should feel grateful because at least I got a job comparing to other people............
But, then I feel something is missing in me.................
I don't know what is it.........................
But,I don't want this feeling to continue in me................
I'm scared it will ruin my life 1 day.............................
Ya Allah,bantulah hambaMU yg lemah ini.....................
Aku sgt memerlukan kekuatan dariMU........................
Tujnukkan aku jalan yg benar Ya Allah..........................
Aku amat memerlukannya saat ini...............................................................


  1. sbr ye ipah.. mmg btul ckp org, klau dh keje kta msti rndu zaman blaja..
    ble tgh2 bz keje, teringat tym blaja dlu..byk msa free..
    gud luck ipah ^_^

  2. Thanx Nina....
    Ak busy sgt kje so x de free time pn..........
    Penat tp nk wat cmne kn??
    Da rzki ak kt cni...........
    Pape pun mmg ak rndu zmn blja dlu..............
