Friday, June 25, 2010


Tinggal 12 hari je lagi kisah kami akn berakhir..............
X sangka sdh 3 thun b'lalu.....................
Cepat sgt rasanya....................
Masa mula2 dulu asyik fikir bilalah nak habis???
Sekarang rasa mcm x percaya kisah ini akn berakhir.................
Segala peristiwa yg berlaku,x kira la sedih, gembira, marah, ketawa, menyampah & yg seangkatan dgn'a akn berakhir.................................
It will be an unforgettable moment that had happen in my life..................
Kat sini la tempat aku belajar berdikari..............
Belajar memahami yg manusia ini berbeza2 ragamnya....................
Belajar ttg friendship, kejujuran, selfishness, kasih syg, cinta, tangisan, gelak ketawa..................
Pendek kata,I learned a lot here..........................
I know 1 day I will miss these big times.....................
My friends, housemates, n everything here...................................
Buat semua yg t'libat dlm kisah ini THANX A LOT 4 everything........................
I'm sorry 4 all the wrong I have done.........................
Love n Faith..................................

Monday, June 21, 2010

-Biar Mati Cinta Ini-

Ini tajuk lagu sebnrnya...
From kump.Maximus......
Bila dgr n hayati btul2 lirik lagu ni mmg menusuk jiwa.....
Wah,x blh blah punya ayat.......
Npe tbe2 nk ckp psl lagu ni??
Coz ak nk kongsi kisah cinta yg x berbalas 4 thn lps......
Wah, lama 2................
Ssh sebenar'a nak lupakan si "DIA" tu................
Ak x fhm dgn hati aku sendiri....................
Patutnya da tau org x suka 2 dah la kan...
Tp aku ni lain......
Nak gak ingat kat dia yg da confirm2 lupa psl aku................
It feels bad to think like that but I guess this is the truth....................................
X tau apa yg ada pd dia yg aku x leh lupa................
Rasanya biasa jer......................
Tapi 2 la.............
Rasa hati x siapa yg tahu......................
Even aku sndri pun x fhm an hati aku...............................
Tarikh hari ni,22/06/10 genap 4 thn ak kenal dia................
Sepatutnya la kan................
Tapi aku tau dia x ingat pun.....................
So,I've decided to let this love die.........................
Bcoz I want to start a new a life........................
Want to find a new love.............................
But,only Allah knows when..........................
Hope everything will run smoothly as I hope.....................................................................
To "Him", Good bye...................................................

Sunday, June 20, 2010

What does it mean??
A friend that is really sincere,a friend with benefits,a friend when u r happy or a friend that can be with u all the time??
Looking into what happen to me now I've met all these type of friends......
Which makes me feel mad,disappointed,sad and of course grateful.................
Yeah,I admit that some of my friend were always supporting me which I really appreciate them....
But,some of them don't even know how to appreciate me or the friends there are having.......
I guess this what u call friendship.......
We will know if somebody is honest with us or just want to take advantage on us......
It is really sad because this type of people does exists in this world............................
But,I wish one day they will realize what they did is wrong and they can turn back and be the best friend ever............................................................
This is my 1st post here.....
Juz want 2 share abt myself....
I'm a girl...
A student but will completed my study this July.......
I'm writing this mostly to describe what I feel abt my life and the people around me.....
I'm sorry if this sound like boring 2 anyone who read this but I don't really know how 2 express myself in words......
But,I'll try my best to improve my writing here.......